How Carly Fiorina Won the Undercard Debate
Neither Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Carly Fiorina nor Rand Paul polled high enough to make it into Fox Business Network’s primetime Republican presidential debate Thursday.
The Republican “undercard” debate Thursday night concluded with all three candidates promising that they’d be the best to take on the Democratic front-runner – glossing over, for the moment, the seven other Republicans they’d have to beat first.
Sweet Jesus did things get uncomfortable on MSNBC Thursday night following the undercard GOP debate.
“Pass the fair tax, supercharge this economy with the rocket fuel that happens with the consumption tax and we don’t have to cut social security for any senior who has worked their lifetime for it”, he said. “The whole process by which people are selected is utterly absurd”, Newsmax reported Huckabee said Wednesday.
“I’m going to take some of Rand Paul’s time here for a second”, Mr. Santorum said, as he exceeded the time limit in his closing statement.
Santorum then attacks Obama’s positive job creation record saying the “numbers just don’t add up” and that Obama has taken job away from “hardworking” Americans who are struggling the most. We have young people who no longer believe that the American dream applies to them.
Tonight marks the last debate before the Iowa caucuses on February 1.
Former Gov. Mike Huckabee compared the process of purchasing a gun to making a salad: “I purchased guns and I can assure you it is much more hard to purchase a firearm than it is to get the ingredients of a salad at the supermarket”. “The president of the United States has put Iran on a path to a nuclear weapon”, he said. “Despite Donald Trump’s bromance with Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Putin and Russian Federation are our adversary”.
“I think we have to end crony capitalism”, she said.
“Go and Google (GOOG) Rick Santorum and Hillary Clinton you’ll see a five-minute debate”.
It garnered applause from the audience, but Obama’s recent directives to tighten existing gun purchase background checks were done by re-interpreting existing federal rules, not by executive order.
Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and John Kasich will join Cruz and Trump at the main event.