Gov. Haley Slams Donald Trump In GOP Address
“And I think presented a face and a voice for our party that really is what we’re all about”, said Senator John Thune, Chairman of the Senate Republican Committee. He favors Cruz as a potential vice presidential candidate. – Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, joined in selecting Haley for the rebuttal speech and approved her speech in advance.
Trump’s rhetoric could cause greater distrust between disenfranchised religious and racial minorities within our own boarders and a temporary surge in anti-American sentiments among terrorized citizens in destabilizing Middle Eastern countries -those looking for leaders who promise help in their suffering.
“Look i can appreciate that they’re angry but I said what I believed, I stand by what I believe”, she explains. “That remains the dream of all of us, and in this country we have seen time and again that that dream is achievable”.
Where does Nikki Haley fit in America’s political spectrum? That’s not their explicit goal, and Haley, in particular, drew a backlash from some conservatives for her State of the Union rebuttal.
While listing her policy differences with Republican presidential candidates, Haley noted that “Marco Rubio supports amnesty, which I don’t”.
Haley said the nation’s problems also include an economy that’s not boosted family income, a national debt that’s too high and Obama’s health care law, which Republicans have long asserted has failed. “I’m very angry because I hate what’s happening to our country”. “I am the proud daughter of Indian immigrants who reminded my brothers, my sister and me every day how blessed we were to live in this country”, she said.
“The one that got me, I think, was when he started saying ban all Muslims”. Republicans want to cultivate a more tolerant image for their party – and attract more votes from non-whites.
The Washington state Republican was responding to King’s comment, as reported by The Associated Press, that Haley is not a “principled conservative” but that he thinks “she’s handsome so I’d be happy if she’s the face of the party”.
At the GOP retreat, McMorris Rodgers defended Haley.
First, the fact that the governor obliquely criticized her party’s presidential frontrunner in her speech made Haley the center of a renewed intra-party fight over its direction. National radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh accused Haley of trying to “drive conservatives out of the party”.
In response, Trump said on Fox News that Haley had previously asked for “a hell of a lot of money in campaign contributions”. “And his thesis seems to be correct”. “But I disagree with her politically, and obviously she disagrees with me politically on immigration”.
But Ohio Republican Chairman Matt Borges said Trump’s approach could become a liability, though he said there’s time to correct course.
The Republican presidential front-runner said he and Haley are good friends. He said he delivered that message to the candidate personally.