Michigan Governor Sends Bottled Water to Flint
Rick Snyder pledged Monday that officials would make contact with every household in Flint to check whether residents have bottled water and a filter and want to be tested for lead exposure while his embattled administration works on a long-term solution to the city’s water crisis.
As previously covered by Medical Daily, Flint was forced to switch where it obtained its water in 2014, from Lake Huron to the nearby Flint River, as part of a cost-cutting maneuver undertaken by a state-approved emergency manager, following continuing financial debt owned by the town.
The governor’s officer said in a statement that it partnered with local officials to provide bottled water, filters and testing kits at five fire stations around the city, NBC News reported.
Indicated he didn’t realize Flint had a problem with lead in the water supply until approximately October 1 even though city test results sent to the state showed lead levels on the rise immediately after the city began using the Flint River as its water source.
The elevated lead levels are widely blamed on the city’s water supply, as we previously reported.
“We also have engaged FEMA in this process”, the governor said at a news conference in Flint.
“They’re not ideological warriors, they’re technocrats who we thought, at a minimum, were the competent guys”, Todd said.
“I can stand up here and fight with him or I can get the people out there what they need”, she said. The Snyder administration has caught some heat for its slow-response to the crisis and has so far not sought any federal disaster relief money.
When asked if he was surprised that city officials have not requested federal help, Pastor Jackson explained, “We just got a new mayor elected and she filed a petition to declare it an emergency and the governor just did and he said that before we can receive help, they have to do an assessment”.
The Governor declared an emergency on January 5 to put in place distribution of water, water filters and water tests for residents.
Flint’s tap water is not safe to drink because of lead contamination. Lead can cause permanent brain damage, leading to behavior problems and learning disabilities.
Flint Police Captain Collin Birnie said there were no arrests during the protest.