I Identify as Queer
Blanchard elaborated on her message the next day, writing that she has “only ever liked boys” but doesn’t want to label herself and is “open to liking any gender in the future”. One in particular asked if this means she is open to liking any gender to which Blanchard responded, “yes open to liking any gender in future which is why I identify as queer”.
In a Twitter post, Blanchard stated that she’s “not gonna give myself labels to stick with – just existing”. The 14-year-old actress told her fans that she identified herself as a queer rather than as a straight or gay.
“I thought I was being courageous and was proud of myself and then everyone attacks me…”
But the young Disney Channel address made headlines over the weekend for admitting she’s a girl… who is open to all the world has to offer. On the Disney Channel show, Blanchard plays the role of Riley, the daughter to Cory and Topanga. “I think this is unacceptable and should be unacceptable to both genders”. In her tweet, posted January 16, Rowan explained how she would like to be identified – and how she wouldn’t. Anything is possible in theory, but if Riley continues her current trajectory it would be nice to see more LGBT representation on the show in some way. Her openness and willingness to discuss such a personal topic and open up a dialogue about it is important for young teens and fans, many of whom struggle with the same issues of identity and sexuality.