Hollywood needs to improve diversity — George Clooney
This can be a dialogue that is challenging but significant, also it is time for large changes.
Due to the announced nominations, multiple celebrities have claimed that the Academy’s choices lack racial diversity. I think that African Americans have a real fair point that the industry isn’t representing them well enough. As the Inquisitr reported, it’s been such a heated debate that The Academy’s president Cheryl Boone Isaacs issued another statement two years in a row about how frustrated she was by the diversity issue that seems to be plaguing Hollywood. The Academy is taking dramatic steps to alter the makeup of our membership. In the ’60s and ’70s it was about recruiting younger members to remain important and critical.
Ever since the Oscars 2016 nominations were made, the Academy has received endless flak for not nominating any black actors. “Idris Elba, this year, I think is a notable omission and the cast of Creed, which is a film that everybody loves”, he said.
But as of Tuesday, no other major stars had said they would boycott the 28 February ceremony. “The White BET Awards”. And we’ll say this much – it’s the kind of regretful, thoughtful, and level-headed statement you’d hope to see in a situation like this.
“I hope that everybody understands that this organization is completely committed to turning this narrative around”, she said.
Lee, who won an Oscar past year for his lifetime achievements as a filmmaker and actor, blamed the executives who run Hollywood studios for the absence of minorities in Oscar-contending roles.
“At the Oscars people of colour are always welcomed to give out awards, even entertain – but we are rarely recognised for our artistic accomplishments”, she wrote. “We used to be better at it”.
“Honestly, there should be more opportunity than that…”
He defended Isaacs and echoed her sentiment about change, adding, “This institution doesn’t reflect its president and it doesn’t reflect this room”.
“I am both heartbroken and frustrated about the lack of inclusion”, wrote Isaacs, who is the first black person and third woman to serve as president of the Academy.
Earlier in the day, Jada Pinkett Smith didn’t hold back with her on opinion on the recurring controversy. Both actors were nominated for Golden Globes.
Snoop Dogg has some strong feelings about this year’s Oscar nominations – and he isn’t holding back. We need to get better at this. ‘They ain’t got no n nominated. “And just because the world doesn’t go the way you want it to go doesn’t mean that you can go out and then you start asking people to stand up and sing “We Shall Overcome” for you”.
An Oscar victor herself, Goldberg said production companies should lead the charge.
While speaking at the King Legacy Awards on Monday night, David highlighted the amount of diversity now on our screens. “Cheryl needs us to pray that by that date, change is going to come”.