Confident Trump says could ‘shoot somebody’ and not lose voters
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a… Trump told an enthusiastic audience during a campaign rally at a Christian school in Sioux Center, Iowa.
Trump also took several minutes to insult various people, including Glenn Beck, whom he called a stone cold loser, the staff of the National Review, the Washington Post, which he called a tax scam, Bill Kristol, the media in general and others. CNN reports that many Trump followers have stated “almost nothing” would sway them from placing their votes with Donald.
“If conservatives unite, we win”, Cruz added.
Trump questioned Cruz’s eligibility to run for president, as he was born in Canada to American citizens. In an effort to close the deal and stop a late surge from Cruz, the Trump campaign switched all of its ad reservations to 60-second spots in order to air its attack ad on Cruz. “That said, Republicans are probably correct because Trump’s base is broader than Cruz’s, but I still think having Trump as the nominee puts the majority at risk”, said Jennifer Duffy, a senior editor for The Cook Political report.
“We love you, too, man”, Trump said.
“There’s nothing the politicians can do to you if you ban together, you have too much power”.
Trump’s immigration plan, which includes the deportation of more than 10 million illegal immigrants, will top the list of issues that he plans to stress in his bid in Texas’ primary, Pierson said, along with his pledge to bring “real-world business experience” to the White House and slash burdensome regulations that thwart economic growth.
At the beginning of Beck’s remarks he said he wasn’t making an endorsement, but rather talking about the principles that are important to making an endorsement.
On the Democratic side, the Register picked Hillary Clinton, the Register picked Hillary in Y 2008 over the freshman Senator from Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama. And even while they find many of his comments annoying, they like him more than Cruz.
Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani told The Washington Post that he preferred Trump to Cruz. “I can say I have no intention of shooting anybody in this campaign”, Cruz said.
Though Trump went on to explain he’s confident on winning the GOP nomination, thus “I don’t really think its going to matter, that’s probably why I want to save the legal fees … maybe I would do it, maybe I won’t either”. He has been accused of sexism after his vituperative attack on Megyn Kelly, the Fox TV news host who aroused his ire with tough questioning during a Republican presidential debate.