Google shuts down social media accounts linked to Glass wearable
This week, Google finally shut down all of the Google Glass social media accounts left over from the consumer-oriented “Explorer’s Program”.
On Tuesday, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts for Google Glass were no longer active, Reuters reports, citing tech website 9to5Google. It was reported that the Aura team is working on several different versions of the device, including an “EE” or “Enterprise Edition” that keeps the original’s screen (the consumer versions are rumored to be audio only).
Alphabet Inc’s Google stopped selling Glass to consumers past year, noting it was time for a strategy reset. Companies involved in Google’s Glass for Work programme have been receiving the new version since early 2015, but agreed not to release details of the device to the public. The move to kill off the Google Glass brand name comes as the “Enterprise Edition” device for business continues to be developed. “From now on, if you have any questions about your Glass, you can get in touch with us here:”.
While this may mark the end of the “Google Glass” name (yep, it’s a sad day indeed), several people familiar with the situation have said that Google is now being much less stringent about keeping Glass: Enterprise Edition under wraps.
While there’s no trace of the augmented reality, smart glasses on social media outlets, that doesn’t mean that plans for Google Glass are done.