Rapper BoB claims Earth is flat in stunning Twitter rant
The rapper replied: “Why can’t the curvature of the earth be measured anywhere in nature? why does only NASA have photos of the curve? r u a mason?“. He released a track dissing Tyson and spreading more truth bombs on all of these sheeple. Despite this fact, B.o.B made a plea on Twitter this weekend the Earth is flat, a popular thought among children who haven’t had the fourth grade space lesson yet.
Tyson later tweeted BoB to say: “Being five centuries regressed in your reasoning doesn’t mean we all can’t still like your music”.
If Tyson responds or B.o.B. continues to plant his flat earth flag deeper, we will update this story accordingly.
He went on to claim, “You can regurgitate force fed information all day… still doesn’t change physics”.
The end of the song seems to borrow audio of Tyson from 92Y’s Feburay 2014 video “The Earth Is Not Round”.
In Tyson’s other tweets to B.o.B, he pointed out that these misinformed theories only get attention if people like Tequila and B.o.B. give it to them. In an inspiring opening move, Tyson quotes his own tweet: “Flat Earth is a problem only when people in charge think that way”.
Unlike his opponent, who apparently logged off Twitter, hit the studio and fired back with a Neil Tyson/heliocentrism-truther diss track called Flatline.
To round out the song, B.o.B uses a lecture from Tyson, in which the scientist says that Earth is “not actually a sphere, it’s oblate, it’s officially an oblate spheroid”, or “pear-shaped”. I question the global laws that prevent you from exploring Antartica and the North Pole… what’s there to hide?
He added: “sorry cadets…I didn’t wanna believe it either”.
The shocking song then samples an out-of-context portion of a Tyson lecture, in which the astrophysicist stumbles over his words as he discusses Earth’s formation.