Avoid Clicking CrashSafari.com! It Crashes Android, iOS Devices + Web Browsers
It apparently overwhelms the browser, which then hog all the available RAM and make the device crash.
There’s a web page circulating online that will certainly crash Apple’s Safari browser on Macs, and cause iPhones and iPads to reboot.
The obviously-fraudulent link, crashsafari.com, is being used in conjunction with URL shorteners such as bit.ly and ow.ly by pranksters to hide the websites’ true intentions.
The report also says that some users are sharing the website on social media, but are hiding the link using URL shortener.
Whenever the link is pressed, it opens the mobile Internet browser and begins typing thousands of characters into the search/address bar every second.
Other than to irritate Apple fans it’s unclear why the website has been created. Although the code itself has reportedly been around since 2014, it only recently picked up steam as the link went viral on social media.
As you’d imagine, iPad’s are also affected and don’t think you’re safe if you own an Android device, although in the case of the latter, the link simply slows Chrome down significantly.
A link is being widely shared on Twitter that can potentially cause havoc to your iPhone.
The problem can be solved with a simple reboot of either PC, Mac, Iphone or Android smartphone.
Though the move can temporarily shut down Safari, experts said that they didn’t notice any permanent damage to the app or devices.
The bug does not affect all iOS and OS X users.
The page includes a header title (which you’ll never actually see because the browser crashes) and a small piece of JavaScript.
Fortunately, Apple already knows about Crash Safari and is now working on a fix, so expect the problem to be resolved soon.