Get Rise of the Tomb Raider For $9 From Windows Store
It was revealed in their articles that “Rise of the Tomb Raider” can make even the best PCs sweat when played at 4k resolution-now, it goes to show that the game actually has some options that can be tweaked to give players the best performance their PC allows. Coupling the publisher 10% off deal is GMG’s “hidden” 27% off code, making Rise of the Tomb Raider only $39. Since originally being announced as a Xbox One exclusive at Gamescom a year ago, many speculated that Rise of the Tomb Raider would never been seen off a Xbox One console.
(Crystal Dynamics)To get Lara Croft to look like this would require a hefty PC. How does Rise of the Tomb Raider’s stack up? As Digital Foundry points out, numerous PC version’s goodies are absent or dialed back in the Xbox One version.
Those features are anisotropic filtering, tessellation, dynamic foliage, and a high-end ambient occlusion technique called HBAO+. The game made its debut on Xbox One and Xbox 360 in November 2015, and a PlayStation 4 version is expected to arrive this year. With that setup, I’m able to run the game at 2560×1440 (1440p) resolution at high or very high settings and, for the most part, it stays north of 60fps, occasionally dipping down to the still-playable mid-40s or 50s.
Many on Steam are crying that the game is unoptimized, but Rise of the Tomb Raider is simply more demanding than games a lot of games to date.
Lara pushes graphics boundaries even harder this time around, with stiffer hardware requirements than the last.
Rise of the Tomb Raider is a breath of fresh air in terms of PC ports, and it’s no surprised given Nixxes’ background. The good news, for those who are interested in the game but are short on cash to pay the full price, is that there’s a trick to get the game via the Windows Store for just $9.
Now, it may come as short, a little pricey and underwhelming to some, but it’s safe to say that virtually every fan of Tomb Raider will definitely get a kick out of it.