After Iowa, Trump Sounds Less Certain About New Hampshire Win
Ted Cruz (Texas) participate in the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate at the North Charleston Coliseum Jan. 14.
His first tweet actually claimed that Cruz “illegally” stole Iowa, but he has since deleted that language: now he accuses Cruz of just plain ol’ stealing (his lawyers must be quick on the Twitter trigger).
Mr Trump pointed to the fact that during the caucus the Cruz campaign told voters rival Ben Carson planned to quit the race, which was not true.
“We need a commander in chief, not a twitterer in chief”, said the Iowa victor.
“We finished second, and I want to tell you something”, he said late Monday in Des Moines. Marco Rubio climbs to second place with 18% following his strong third place finish in Iowa, followed by Ted Cruz (13%) and John Kasich (12%) in a near-tie for third.
For Sanders and Trump, those polling numbers represent a smaller lead than from before the Iowa caucuses, according to the Real Clear Politics polling average.
This would be done by campaigning in the state, running informational articles and promotional advertisements in media outlets that reach the Indian-Americans in New Hampshire area.
Former President Jimmy Carter surprised reporters in London Wednesday by saying he would choose Donald Trump over Ted Cruz to win the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, “which may surprise some of you”.
In the days following the Iowa caucus, Trump has trained his fire on Cruz, who has also been criticized by Republicans like Karl Rove and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad. “And someone that can bring this country together”, Santorum said while announcing to drop out of the presidential race following his poor performance in the Iowa Caucuses and extending support to Rubio. Another 26% say they are leaning toward a candidate and 45% say they have definitely made up their minds. “We would like to say how disappointed we are in the dirty tricks that were played in tonight’s campaign”, Carson’s campaign Manager Barry Bennett said Monday night.
Asked by a reporter if he felt at all bad about the result, Trump said, “There’s a tinge…I probably had a tinge because a poll came out that said I was five points ahead”.