Marco “Robo” Rubio’s latest glitchy gaffe tops his last
I think it would be a mistake to judge this election by any of the metrics of past elections.
JoDee Winterhof, senior vice resident for policy and political affairs at the Human Rights Campaign, has since released a statement that said: “Let’s dispense with this fiction that Marco Rubio is a moderate”. Egads! They’re talking about gays! “You can live any way you want”. He then asserted that, by arguing vehemently for the rollback of marriage rights of gay couples, Rubio was trying “to say we don’t matter”. “I just belive marriage is between one man and one woman”. “And if you don’t agree, you should have the law changed by a legislature”, Rubio replied.
Mr. Kierstead said the law had already been changed, referring either to a Supreme Court ruling that has legalized same-sex marriage across the country or to state legislation in New Hampshire that did the same. And in 2012 the legislature rejected an effort to repeal marriage equality.
Kierstead later told reporters that he and his husband have three children and owns a restaurant in Manchester.
“Typical politician”, Kierstead said loudly as Rubio shuffled off. “Walk away!”
“They want to put as back in the closet”, he said.
I’m from New England originally (Maine) so this man speaking the truth was very comforting.
Rubio’s mostly criticized performance at the Republican debate at Saint Anselm College on Saturday appears to have shaken the Rubio campaign’s confidence, despite insisting that the Florida Republican’s repetition of the same attack line against President Obama during the debate did not harm him in the polls.