China’s first case of imported Zika virus travelled through Hong Kong
Other poor pregnancy outcomes also have been reported, but the most common symptoms of Zika virus disease are fever, rash, joint pain and conjunctivitis (red eyes), according to Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County.
Health officials recommend people who are traveling to those locations to protect themselves against mosquitoes.
In a release, TDH wrote “Except in pregnant women, Zika virus is nearly always a very mild illness and for most people testing is not necessary”.
In Delaware, a woman who also traveled to an affected region tested positive for the virus. Miami-Dade County has the largest number of cases, with six. More than 30 Zika cases have been diagnosed in the United States over the past year, almost all of them thought to have originated overseas. Sexual transmission of Zika virus is possible, and men who have traveled to affected areas should take steps to prevent the spread of Zika virus through sexual contact.
“What else can we learn about why this is affecting pregnant women the way it is, is something that we’re pulling out all the stops to better understand”, Skinner said. About 80 percent of those infected never show symptoms. There have been some reports of a temporary paralysis known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. The CDC advises men to use condoms or refrain from intercourse with pregnant women if they have traveled to a high risk country recently. Another type of mosquito found in OH may potentially transmit Zika virus, although it has not yet been implicated in the transmission of human cases.
He said the health department is planning an aggressive effort to keep the mosquito population down by applying larvacide to pools of water when the mosquito season begins.
Carnival Cruise Lines are sending a health advisory email to its travelers who are going to destinations where the virus has spread.
Pence praised the work of the health department.
“These might include wearing long sleeves or long trousers, it might include staying indoors in air-conditioned or screened rooms”, explained Brown.