Cute video shows baby getting confused by dad’s twin brother
Stephen Ratpojanakul/Youtube Baby can’t tell difference between father (left) and his twin.
But when he pointed to his brother, Michael Ratpojanakul, and asked who it was, Reed shouted “Dada” and stretched out his arms to his uncle.
Stephen, who is wearing a grey sweater in the video, is really Reed’s dad, but with or without glasses he still has trouble telling them apart.
“Dada”, New York resident Reed says – but then when he’s handed to his uncle, he repeats the same word to his real father.
After uploading the clip to Facebook on February 4th it’s been viewed more than 44 million times, attracting over 95,000 comments from viewers – majority praising Corrie’s hard work, and her ability to keep on smiling throughout.
‘A lot of commentators have said things like “he’s so confused” and “poor baby”, but I promise Reed was having fun-he’s the happiest baby I’ve ever seen, ‘ he said. So Stephen and Carroll, each have a twin.
The hilarious moment was captured on video as the baby met his aunt for the first time while on a visit to Montreal, Canada.