Stephen Colbert Remembers Antonin Scalia’s Sense Of Humor On ‘The Late Show’
Not Trump’s phone. This phone, while still a rotisserie, is orange, like Trump, and has his signature hairdo. Colbert said answering the call.
Speaking from Colbert’s home state of South Carolina, Trump helpfully identified himself by resuscitating his iconic catchphrase – “you’re fired”.
On Monday night’s “The Late Show”, Stephen Colbert told of his single brush with the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia – and how he came to admire him despite the judge’s politics.
Stephen Colbert becomes the first late-night host to get a live phone call from Donald Trump.
Late-night TV reacted variously to the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Colbert then wondered if it was that same humor that allowed him to be good friends with the justices he most disagreed with, such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Trump teased the appearance on Twitter earlier in the afternoon-first mistakenly telling his followers that Colbert’s show in on ABC-and he kept his promise.
The rest of the conversation between Trump and Colbert centered around Trump’s “potty mouth”.
Among other pronouncements made in the same segment, Colbert renamed subways “boring roller-coasters” and said that only people born on Presidents Day could run for president.
To which Trump responded, “These are very minor words”.
“Well the Senate certainly has the right to do that”, said Trump, who was phoning in from SC, the site of the next primary on Saturday.
“I’ve got a suggestion”, Colbert said.