Feud Goes Nuclear as Trump Repeatedly Calls Cruz ‘Unstable’
“And of all the people left in this race, I am the one who can most quickly unify this party so we can take on the challenge of unifying it”, Rubio said.
The South Carolina primary has been a family affair for the Bush family, as they try to give the former Florida governor a needed boost in a high-stakes primary. “I watched the debate I’m trying to go through all the situations, I’m looking at the different candidates that are there and I’m trying to figure out how that person would be”.
SIXTEEN years ago, SC saved George W. Bush’s presidential aspiration, and on Monday, he made a triumphant return to the political stage here, hoping to convince Republicans to work the same magic for his brother, Jeb.
The angriest voice in the Republican race on Wednesday was not Mr Trump’s, but Mr Cruz’s. Some of the advice was conflicting.
Cruz also hotly denied that his campaign had been involved in a false Facebook post that had Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., withdrawing his endorsement of Rubio. The talk radio host said, “Now I am on the record as saying I believe you are completely eligible, you are a natural born citizen”.
“So, Donald, if you want to file a lawsuit challenging this ad claiming it is defamation, file the lawsuit”, said Cruz. Trump said at the press conference that he already hired a lawyer.
Mr Cruz also referred to threats by Mr Trump to sue him over an advertisement suggesting that the property magnate is, or at the very least was, pro-choice.
“Would President Trump ban partial birth abortions”, questions Russert.
Earlier in the day, Trump taunted Bush on Twitter over turning in his glasses for contact lenses. “His statements are totally untrue and completely outrageous”, Trump said, days ahead of South Carolina’s pivotal Republican primary. Presidents appoint justices to the court, and the U.S. Senate confirms the appointments.
“Whenever anyone does as this ad does, play the actual words that Donald Trump said on national television, his response is to yell, ‘Liar, ‘” Cruz said. He has obviously gotten under Trump’s skin, and just when you think that the Cruz and Trump can’t sink any lower, they take the Republican Party even deeper into the mud.
New national front-runner Ted Cruz touted his pro-life record and shrugged off Donald Trump’s insinuations about his eligibility for presidential office. Trump slams his foe’s “lies”, while Cruz is painting the blowhard billionaire as a liberal in disguise.
You could make an argument that George W.’s appearance in this GOP contest helps both Trump (who gets to tell it like it is to anti-establishment supporters) and Jeb (who has a final opportunity to rally the establishment).