Donald Trump wins big in SC elections; Hillary Clinton takes Nevada
Despite spending more money than any other candidate, the former governor of Florida, was unable to finish in the top three spots in either, Iowa, New Hampshire or yesterdays SC primary.
Next up for Republicans is Nevada, which hosts GOP caucuses on Tuesday after handing Hillary Clinton a win in Democratic caucuses Saturday.
Marco Rubio finished a distant second to part-time Palm Beacher Donald Trump in Saturday’s South Carolina Republican primary.
Trailing well behind were John Kasich, Ben Carson and Jeb Bush, who decided it was time to drop out of the race. Rubio is clearly hoping that some of his former rival’s supporters will turn to his campaign in the remaining primaries.
Cruz dismissed the idea that he underperformed in SC, a state with a strong religious and evangelical population – both attributes that should favor him. “This country is now ready for a new generation of conservatives to guide us into the 21st century”. Ted Cruz of Texas and Marco Rubio of Florida locked in a battle for second place. Tim Scott, and Gov. Nikki Haley.
Marco Rubio is portraying himself as the lone candidate who can unite Republicans now that the party’s presidential field is narrowing.
“Frankly, if she gets indicted (for using personal emails for official purposes), that’s the only way she’s going to be stopped”.
Nate Jara ’16, vice president of the Cornell Democrats, predicted that Clinton’s victory in Nevada will build momentum for her campaign.
However, Clinton did not appear surprised in her victory speech after she was projected the victor by the Associated Press. “I think there’s a whole lot of soul-searching going on right now in the party, as to if they wish to deal with Trump now or deal with him later”.
The next Democratic primary is in SC on Feb 27 but there Mrs Clinton has a clear advantage.
But Rubio was unwilling to predict an outright victory in the February 23 caucus in Nevada, where Rubio spent part of his boyhood life. He went on to say that was his plan all along, to perform well in the early primaries and have the strongest showing on Super Tuesday. “You turned out in every corner of this state with determination and objective”.
Sanders” loss indicated a lack of minority support, evident in his failure to appeal to the large minority population in Nevada, according to Fernando Quiroz “16, president of Cornell Political Union.
“Bernie’s not going to make it, in my opinion”.