Donald Trump Blames Faulty Earpiece For Latest US Campaign Squall
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is providing information on extremists and hate groups to all of the presidential candidates, including Donald Trump, who said in an interview Sunday with CNN’s Jake Tapper indicated he did not know anything about notorious former Klansman and racist hatemonger David Duke.
“I don’t care how bad the earpiece is, KKK is coming through loud and clear”, said Marco Rubio. Now he’s refusing to cast aside campaign support from none other than David Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. When asked to respond to white supremacist David Duke’s remarks that voting against Trump would be “Treason to your heritage”, Trump failed to disavow Duke or his support.
Trump, speaking Monday on NBC’s “Today” show, blamed a “bad earpiece” and said he had disavowed Duke on Friday. “They were there, CNN was there, and they gave me a lousy earpiece”.
The final-days sprint to Super Tuesday has erupted into a feud over a white supremacist as Donald Trump’s Republican rivals scramble to stop the billionaire businessman from becoming an “unstoppable” force in the 2016 presidential contest.
DUKE: Let me ask you a question.
Trump made the comments – the latest for him in a campaign characterized by attacks against marginalized groups – during an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union”.
Asked by actor Tony Goldwyn, who later campaigned with Clinton in Nashville, about her thoughts on Duke’s support for Trump, Clinton described it, simply, as “pathetic”. What is said on a Sunday show is treated differently and may be different in terms of its weight than what is said in a little sound bite that’s part of the nightly news, for example, or part of a guest appearance on a cable news show during the evening.
Eric Trump is one of his father’s most vocal defenders, calling him his best friend, and an “amazing guy” who has seen “everything he’s ever touched” turned “to gold”. “OK, alright. I disavow, OK?”
Rubio closed with a warning that if Trump wins the Republican nomination, he will be torn down in a general election, guaranteeing a Democratic win in the fall. “I disavowed David Duke the day before at a press conference”.
Senator Ted Cruz tweeted “Really sad”.
But before Republicans designate the brash and often crude Mr. Trump as their nominee, they should review the potential consequences that such a stupefying choice could produce in November – and beyond.
Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media.
Another Republican who assailed Trump was 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who echoed current Republican candidates in condemnation of the real estate magnate.
Months earlier, Mr Trump discussed Mr Duke with Bloomberg News, saying: “I don’t need his endorsement; I certainly wouldn’t want his endorsement”.
On Monday’s edition of “Morning Joe”, Scarborough called Trump’s move “disqualifying”. Huckabee said. “I don’t”.
Barrett said she interviewed Duke on her radio talk show Sunday night.