Paul Ryan says not ready to support Donald Trump
Nor will the 2008 nominee, John McCain, or the 2012 nominee, Mitt Romney. But doing so will doom the Republican Party – and worse, the country. “Our nominee has work to do”.
“I’m gonna say, ‘Look, this is what the people want, ‘” Trump said.
“I’m not there yet, but I don’t have a lot of choice”, Beightol said.
Gov. Nikki Haley said the same thing on Wednesday, and added that she is “not interested” in being considered for the vice president slot. “They couldn’t take him on the issues because they basically agreed with them”. A party that sneers at those concerned about climate change.
Priebus, who after the 2012 election ordered up a report called the “Growth and Opportunity Project”, knows the Party can not win the election without drawing women, African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics and LGBT voters. Many had kept a distance from the billionaire businessman even as they acknowledged they would eventually support whoever wins the GOP nomination.
In Clinton’s case, 56 percent are down on her, while only 32 percent see her in a favorable light, the same poll found.
The late-night talk-show host Stephen Colbert has noticed this and weighed in, offering Clinton advice on how to get Republicans to vote for her.
During that breakup process, there will be more co-operation between parties in Congress, with more bills passed, compared to the current gridlock, he added.
The salvos involving the likely White House nominee and the House speaker were highly unusual and rarely seen in the days after a political party essentially crowns its victor and all involve work to unify the party for November’s elections.
Meanwhile, Republicans are figuring out what to do in 2016.
That was the point Ryan was trying to make: that the party is bigger than Trump, and so Trump – who decided of his own free will to run as a Republican rather than as an independent or a Democrat – should respect the GOP’s traditions and principles.
The third category is those backing a third-party candidate – like Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico now atop the Libertarian party ticket.
“They didn’t know how to deal with him”, she said.
Trump expressed optimism he could line up sufficient support in the Republican ranks – although he suggested some wounds were still too raw to heal right away.
Like Trump, Artur Davis is a Democrat turned Republican.
Ben Sasse is one of the most conservative members of the chamber. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has shifted the Democratic platform, as well as former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, further to the left, Shorb said.
“I was not born Republican”. I believe that our party is the party of the open door.
“Does Toomey think Donald Trump is qualified to nominate the next Supreme Court justice?” the statement asked.
Some former rivals are coming around.
“In November”, he concluded, “I will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but I will support principled conservatives at the state and federal levels, just as I have done my entire life”.
Some Sanders supporters may not jump on board a Clinton nomination. His all-night quasi-filibuster failed to stop President Barack Obama’s health care law but caused a national stir.
The Never Trump movement hit a brick wall after Texas Senator Ted Cruz suspended his candidacy on Tuesday, May 3, and Ohio Governor John Kasich dropped out the next day, leaving a clear path for real estate magnate Donald Trump to become the Republican presidential nominee.
As the race grew increasingly nasty on both sides, Mr Kasich largely maintained his vow not to go negative – or, as he told voters, to “take the low road to the highest office in the land”.