UN establishes a trust fund to help combat the Zika virus
Concerns that mosquitoes will eventually become primary carriers here stem from the prevalence of a species known as Aedes aegypti, “which thrives in urban areas by laying eggs in discarded food containers and old tires”, according to an April 29 Washington Post report.
In Connecticut, 245 patients, including 217 pregnant women, have been tested for Zika virus, the health department said.
She said that often, the infection causes no symptoms or long-term harm, but the focus is mainly on pregnant women who become infected and develop a rare, temporary form of paralysis that causes the immune system to attack the body’s nerve cells. He predicts the first vaccines will require multiple doses and will be given to women and girls reaching childbearing age to prevent birth defects.
According to Dr. Trujillo-Carvalho, infected pregnant women have been associated with fetal loss in the first trimester. “Simply put, anyone repellent to this emergency funding plan isn’t serious about beating Zika”. “I don’t want to be bitten by the Egypti Mosquito, because that is the strain that carries the virus”.
But, Lanza is quick to add that may change over time, and locally-acquired Zika cases in Escambia County may not be a question of “if”, but of “when”.
The data prove the disease is “still spreading” and Congress “must act to help stop it”, Schumer said.
Zika is a virus that is primarily spread by mosquito bites, particularly risky for pregnant women as it is thought to be linked to a rare birth defect- microcephaly that causes newborn babies to have unusually small heads and damaged brains.
Health officials say homeowners should rid their properties of standing water in places such as trash cans and fountains.
The medical school is “well equipped” to aid in the development of “prevention, diagnosis and treatment” of these types of viruses.
Etienne said researchers at her organization were working on developing an agenda to help countries research the problem and come up with a test that could distinguish between dengue and Zika.
The program is part of Upstate’s Center for Global Health & Translational Science. Since then, the epidemic has spread to several other countries in the Americas. “Schumer’s efforts to increase the funding to support these efforts is outstanding and key to stopping the spread of this viral infection and devastating health effects”, said Endy.