Obama Gets Political at Memorial, Attacks Republicans for Opposition to Gun Control
The New York Times editorial board on Thursday said the National Rifle Association (NRA) plays a role in terrorism.
Workman’s also against beefing up background checks, which Democrats on Capitol Hill are pushing for, He claims those laws are already as strong as they can be.
The Orlando shooting, one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. modern history, ignited a firestorm of accusations over the week between presumptive presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton regarding gun control and preventing another national tragedy.
President Barack Obama says it’s going to take more than the military to prevent terrorist attacks like the ones that have occurred most recently in San Bernardino, California, and Orlando. “But he’s largely to a large extent he’s blaming guns and …” I’m gonna save your second amendment.
“Second, in order to make that protection meaningful, you also need to make sure that whenever a would-be shooter buys a gun, he goes through a background check”.
Obama traveled to Orlando this afternoon and was joined by Vice President Joe Biden. He has wiped away tears in the East Room as he talked about dead kindergartners and sang Amazing Grace during the eulogy of a minister killed in church.
“One of the hard lessons I’ve had to learn in this is that you have to accept any forward motion as a victory”, he said in a phone interview.
Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, along with other Republican sentors were trying to find a compromise for the gun control bill in the light of the shootings at a gay nightclub in Florida which had resulted in the death of 50.
About 71 percent of Americans, including eight out of 10 Democrats and almost six out of 10 Republicans, favour at least moderate regulations and restrictions on guns, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted from Monday to Thursday.
Thanks in large part to a filibuster led by Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, forced a vote on a series of amendments that will take place as early as Monday.
His remarks comes days after he himself called the idea of preventing individuals on the no-fly list and terror watch list from being able to purchase guns, a proposal Obama and top Democrats have pitched for following the Orlando attack. “Love does not win when we can’t get together to save American lives”. It may be that the Gray Lady and Mrs. Feinstein would just like to use this issue to try to scare the voters in the coming election.
The United States used to have a ban on assault weapons. And eight years later, Wayne LaPierre told his members that cost Al Gore the presidency.
The NRA responded on its site, suggesting it’d be happy to meet with the Donald, but isn’t willing to accept any kind of “outright ban”, even if the buyer is a suspected terrorist. The White House backs Feinstein’s measure.
But now he is seen as a unusual bedfellow and potential ally in Democrat’s gun control play. “Donald Trump, is going to help our cause by his utter confusion around this issue”.
“I do not think a Muslim ban is in our country’s interest”.
The mass shooting is considered to be the deadliest one by a single gunman against the LGBT people in US history, and also the deadliest terrorist attack since the September 11 attacks in 2001.
Come November, voters in Nevada and ME will decide on whether to expand background check joining six other states that have done so since the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In Nevada, it is now easier for the NRA and other groups to sue local governments over regulating firearms. “It’s outgrown the old political stalemates”.