Walker says delegates should vote their conscience on Trump
The coordinated campaign is focused on helping all Republicans, including Trump, incumbent Sen. They will receive no donations, no votes, no support whatsoever. They can throw out the chairman.
Some veteran Republican strategists and Republican National Committee members expressed resignation about the effort and predicted it will factor little in the convention proceedings. “You can do anything”.
He’s actually giving you the strongest form of the “unbind the delegates” argument. In other words, the parties are in control of themselves.
And now, according to sources, the RNC is asking state parties what they think – and the informal poll isn’t turning out well for a certain NY real estate investor. “There is no organized effort, strategy or leader of this so-called movement”.
If Trump believes he can win without the support of his party, then he should step down formally as the Republican nominee so it can nominate anyone else. “They are probably making the calculation that Donald Trump will not be a political factor come the first Wednesday in November, but Paul Ryan will still be speaker of the House”. So it is not my job to tell delegates what to do, what not to do, or to weigh in on things like that. They write the rules. Unsurprisingly, the majority (54 percent) said the process has not changed the way they feel about the GOP. Such hopes were shattered as Mr. Trump kept winning more delegates than his rivals. First, they could point out that he is fundamentally at odds with numerous party’s bedrock policies – including those on such vital topics as national security, trade, entitlement reform, fiscal responsibility and religious freedom.
“Unfortunately, they never talk about that, they talk about the few rebels”, he added. They could highlight his volatile temperament and shaky grasp of policy. He starts with a disadvantage. Like Trump, Clinton has garnered high unfavorable numbers throughout the presidential race. In Ohio, for example, those delegates were chosen by the Trump campaign.
Rather than fighting until the final roll call vote, prominent Republicans prefer to grouse in the corner or to make plans to inherit the wreckage after Trump loses.
But at the end of April, Trump had .4 million cash on hand compared to Clinton’s million. The Trump campaign claims to be lean; in most of the country, including the battleground states, it is nonexistent. “This is going to be a solid Trump convention”.
Republican delegates in several other states also are involved, he said. One, Republicans are starting to wonder if Donald Trump isn’t just ruining their chances at the White House, but also their ability to hang on to the House and Senate.
He’s called undocumented Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists.
There could be floor fights over convention rules and the party’s platform. During the call, Lonegan asked participants to donate to the Eckstrom’s PAC, reiterating that both men are volunteering their time and would only spend the PAC money on helping track down like-minded delegates, hiring staff to assist the campaign while in Cleveland and to help any delegates who may face threats or pressure.