Democrats approved platform draft with Sanders’ imprint
Clinton, the former U.S. secretary of state, senator, and first lady, needs Sanders’ supporters to boost her chances against Trump in the November 8 election.
Sanders has said repeatedly since the final primary on June 14 that he will not end his campaign until the Philadelphia convention.
“I think Trump, in so many ways, will be a disaster for this country if he were to be elected President”. In an interview later Thursday on CBS, he said he “hopes” to endorse Clinton before the convention, adding, “I haven’t heard her say the things that need to be said”.
But the more conciliatory comments on Friday morning appear consistent with a gradual withdrawal in recent weeks, first marked in comments outside the White House after a meeting with Barack Obama on 10 June in which he said he was prepared to work with Clinton following defeat in the California primary.
Mr. Sanders, who has not suspended his own presidential campaign, on Sunday said the former secretary of state’s plans on education and health care simply don’t go far enough to win over many of his supporters.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Saturday praised a draft of the Democratic Party’s 2016 platform, which reflects several of the progressive issues voiced by her primary challenger, Vermont Sen. That’s because most political problems are really between different groups of people. Bernie Sanders’ surrogate to the party’s platform committee that demanded Israel cease Jewish construction in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem and seemingly withdraw from those territories.
Sanders also said Trump goes against “centuries of struggle that we have had in this country to combat discrimination”.
A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that Sanders backers, who polls have shown were reluctant to jump over to Clinton and even flirted with supporting Trump, are coming home faster than we might have expected.
“I can’t help but think what would have happened if a divisive character such as Trump were president during the 2008 financial crisis, at a time when leadership, compromise and careful analysis were critical”, Paulson wrote.
The full platform committee will vote on the draft on July8-9 in Orlando. And he agreed with some political analysts that last week’s “Brexit” vote in Great Britain to leave the European Union should be a wakeup call to Clinton and the Democratic Party that they, too, could fall victim to anti-establishment forces backing Trump for president.
Like our Facebook Page to get more awesome content from us. Sanders is not ready to endorse the presumptive nominee until he receives assurances that Clinton accepts his platform including a $15 minimum wage and free college.
Along with changes to the delegate system, the call for a higher minimum wage has been a major component of the Sanders campaign seeking to reduce income inequality.
Sanders, a vociferous opponent of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, was unable to get language into the document opposing the trade deal.
“Singh visited the United States in September 2008 to lobby or a deal allowing India to obtain civilian nuclear technology; then-Senator Clinton assured him democrats would not block the deal”, the Trump campaign alleged.