Indiana health officials stress importance of HIV testing
Today is National HIV Testing Day, and wellness advocates want you to get involved in Milwaukee.
” The more people learn about our services the better it is for everyone”. Pregnant women should be tested during the early months of their pregnancy to help eliminate transmission of HIV to their infants. “Part of the fear is a misperception that once someone is HIV-positive, a meaningful and lasting relationship may not be possible”.
“Stigma and discrimination exists and there is a lot of work to do”, Toureau said. This includes increased education about the effectiveness of PrEP. “Greater PrEP awareness should help to mitigate this fear”.
Since HIV can be in a person’s system for years without symptoms, the CDC recommends everyone between the ages of 13 to 64 be tested at least once. May be the more set up of detection centres and Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC), more and more number of people came up for undergoing test and as a result more cases of HIV Positive were recorded at the State.
HIV testing is also available at Planned Parenthood, Unified: HIV and Beyond and the Corner Health Center.
Patients who seek care in participating stores are counseled by trained pharmacists on risk factors and prevention, and those with reactive tests are referred to a physician or health department for confirmatory testing. “It’s still true that the only way to know for sure whether you have been infected with HIV or any other sexually transmitted disease is to be tested”, Anderson said.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are on average 21 cases of HIV diagnosed for every 100,000 MS residents each year. CDC has found that more than 90 percent of new HIV infections in the United States could be prevented by testing and diagnosing people who have HIV and ensuring they receive prompt, ongoing care and treatment.