Jon Snow’s true parents finally revealed by Game of Thrones
Despite leaving the baby daddy exposition to season 7 in its Game of Thrones season 6 finale, HBO has gone ahead and confirmed who Jon Snow’s father is off-show.
Even if you’ve just read one fan site, you will know that this has always been the most popular theory for Jon’s origins, encapsulated by the phrase R+L=J.
Other similarities are less obvious, like the fact that Grand Maester Pycelle has sex with a prostitute in both episodes. Benioff said: “It’s two more seasons we’re talking about”.
The infographic doesn’t explain why Game of Thrones kept Lyanna’s words to Ned a secret in the season 6 finale.
The R+L=J fan theory has been floating around for a while now, with many speculating that Rhaegar Targaryen was Snow’s biological father.
He continued: “Daenerys is finally coming back to Westeros; Jon Snow is King of the North and Cersei is sitting on the Iron Throne”. The most debated thing lately is Jon Snow’s existence. Fans had long before theorized that Jon is the possible offspring of Rhaegar and Lyanna. Now that she’s killed him she can forget him, and she can move on with her life. Lyanna was at the Tower of Joy, either having eloped with or kidnapped by Rheagar Targaryen. Daenerys, for instance, who could well deem Jon a fitting husband, is actually his aunt. Which leaves viewers to hunt for the third Targaryen rider to complete the three-headed dragon theory. If only season 7 weren’t so far away.
Now, HBO’s official Making of Game of Thrones website released an infographic confirming and directly linking Rheagar and Lyanna to Jon Snow.
The diagram of Ned Stark’s Promise depicts how central characters from the Stark, Baratheon, Targaryen and Lannister families were connected at the time of the birth of Lyanna’s son – whose real name we don’t know.