Memorials honor victims of Nice, France attack, killer shamed with trash pile
A teddy bear is laid with flowers and candles to honor the victims of an attack, on the Promenade des Anglais, near the area where a truck mowed through revelers in Nice, southern France, Saturday, July 16, 2016.
Meanwhile, a l’Opinion report on Monday said that at least two potential terrorist attacks had been thwarted during Euro 2016.
“Those links, for the moment, have yet to be established by the investigation”.
“Daesh gives unstable individuals an ideological kit that allows them to make sense of their acts … this is probably what happened in Nice’s case”, Valls said, referring to the Arabic acronym for Islamic State.
Lahouaiej-Bouhlel had grown a beard in the eight days before he carried out the attack and told friends “the significance of the beard is religious”, prosecutor François Molins told reporters on Monday.
Paris prosecutor Francois Molins, who oversees terrorism investigations, said a search of Bouhlel’s computer had found a clear, recent interest in “radical jihadism”, adding that the attack was obviously premeditated though there was no proof that Bouhlel was directed by an extremist network.
Family members said Mohamed had begun calling them frequently in recent weeks.
Hecklers shouted out “murderer” and “resign” at him before the minute’s silence, held across the nation.
Bouhlel, a resident of Nice, was born in Tunisia but had a permit to live and work in France.
The 69-year-old, from Msaken, Tunisia, said his nephew “stained the reputation of our town and our country”. “But if I had done my job badly, he might be in prison, and he may have never done what he did”. The 31-year-old was abusive with Khalfallah during their marriage following which they split. “There was nothing that would have suggested in reality he was a jihadist”. Of the six, three have been transferred to the SDAT, Paris’ anti-terror unit. Her lawyer Jean-Yves Garino said the mother of three has not been in contact with Bouhlel for a while. More than 300 people were injured.
ISIL said one of its “soldiers” carried out the attack “in response to calls to target nations of coalition states that are fighting [the group]”.
Despite his criminal record, Bouhlel was not on the radar for any kind of terror threat.
The detained suspects are four men – identified as Franco-Tunisians Ramzi A. and Mohamed Oualid G., a Tunisian named Chokri C., and an Albanian named Artan – and a woman of dual French-Albanian nationality identified as Enkeldja, Molins said.
Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has defended the government, saying it has bolstered security notably by sending thousands of troops into the streets.
Valls said Bouhlel had been radicalized quickly before carrying out the attack.
On July 14, a truck rammed into a large crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the city of Nice.
Valls said later that the boos “do not touch me”, but he called them undignified and divisive.
The family is not releasing the photo to the media.
The extension of extra search-and-arrest powers for police was approved by 489 votes to 26 against shortly before dawn in France’s National Assembly, the lower house of parliament. No major attacks occurred during the event.
About 85 people are still hospitalized in the wake of Thursday’s attack, with 29 patients in intensive care, said Marisol Touraine, French minister of social affairs and health.
The revelations came at the conclusion of France’s three-day national mourning period.
According to The Telegraph, he is also reported to have contacted his family hours before the attack to say that everything was normal, even sending a selfie to his brother.