Trump To Host ‘Ask Me Anything’ On Controversial Alt-Right Forum
Firstly, it’s scheduled right in the middle of the Democratic National Convention and, secondly, it will be hosted on a thread that openly refers to Trump as the “God Emperor”. Trump was slated to begin answering questions at 7
A jubiliant r/The_Donald (which organised the session) announced the AMA on Monday, which was confirmed by Trump’s office with a press release. The session will take place just in time for the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and will coincide with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden taking the stage. Trump isn’t the first White House hopeful to engage with redditors. Currently, the announcement of Trump’s AMA is the leading post in r/TheDonald with 4,595 upvotes. Bernie Sanders, who has since endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.
There’s no telling how far Trump’s campaign will go from this point, but he’s definitely come a lot farther than people expected.
Reddit skews pretty liberal; of the users who use it for news (which are probably the same users interested in this AMA) 47% identify as liberal, and a mere 13% as conservative.
The states of Virginia and SC will not be the only battleground states visited by Trump this week.
Donald Trump will host an “Ask Me Anything” event on the online forum Reddit Wednesday evening. What question would you ask him?