Clinton Takes Commanding Lead Over Trump in 3 Key States, Poll Says
Clinton’s base. Clinton’s bases of strength are Detroit, Wayne County and Oakland County, but she also leads in West Michigan, Southwest Michigan and Southeast Michigan counties due to Gary Johnson’s strength in those regions.
The poll also found Democrats with an edge in the state’s U.S. Senate race.
Clinton leads Donald Trump 45 percent to 42 percent in Arizona, a state that voted for a Democratic presidential candidate only once in the last 64 years.
The WBUR New Hampshire poll was conducted from July 29 through August 1, and surveyed 609 likely New Hampshire voters.
“For the sake of our security, for the sake of our prosperity, let’s decide here in Colorado that Hillary Clinton will never be elected president of the United States of America” he said.
Donald Trump is lagging Hillary Clinton by large margins in swing states and nationwide, according to a slate of new polls, suggesting that the Democratic National Convention and a basket of recent controversies and missteps have hurt the Republican nominee.
Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, might not take the country in the correct direction, but Ms. Clinton is even less likely to do so.
Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet was polling an average of 12 points ahead of Republican Darryl Glenn. Last month, he was up by 14 percentage points among men; he’s now down 8. A month ago, Clinton was leading Trump by six points, 44 percent to 38 percent. Fifty percent are happy with Trump, while 49 percent would rather have someone else, the poll finds. “Donald Trump, on the other hand, has slipped a bit among Republicans”.
Republicans are about evenly split on the back-and-forth, with 41 per cent saying similarly while 40 per cent of Republicans saying Trump’s response is “in bounds”. Donald Trump’s problems among female voters has grown with Clinton now holding a 21.2% lead among women.
The tracking poll was conducted online by Ipsos for Reuters. Tim Kaine ticket beating Trump and Gov. Mike Pence by nine points nationwide, 52 to 43. When matched against Trump, one-on-one, Clinton’s lead grows to 17 points.
The new survey showed Clinton has cut sharply into the Republican nominee’s advantages in every ethnic and racial group.
In a surprising Utah poll, a state which has voted Republican for decades, a Hinckley Institute/Salt Lake Tribune survey shows the Democrats in the lead.
Most of Trump’s backers – 57 percent – say their vote is against Clinton, while only 36 percent called it a pro-Trump decision.