New note from doctor says Trump’s health is excellent
The 70-year-old billionaire appeared on The Dr. Oz Show on Wednesday to discuss a recent physical, but he has still not released detailed medical documents.
A statement from the show said Dr Oz took Mr Trump ‘through a full review, ‘ looking at his nervous system, cardiovascular health, prostate health and family medical history.
However, reversing what aides had said earlier, the Republican candidate handed host Mehmet Oz one page of results from a physical conducted last week by his physician, Dr Harold Bornstein. CNN reports Trump taped an episode of the popular daytime show Wednesday that will air on Thursday.
The letter from Clinton’s doctor made no mention of her weight, a key part of any medical exam, nor did a similar letter released previous year. That paragraph letter was written in five minutes while a limo sent by Trump waited outside his Manhattan office, NBC News reported.
Trump responded: “I see a person who is 35 years old”.
Oz sat down to chat about the mogul’s health, we learned Trump never gets sick, has “good” testosterone and that he’s friends with Tom Brady.
“He self-admitted he could lose a few pounds”, she said. “I just don’t think you can do the work if you’re not healthy”, he said.
“If a patient of mine had these records, I’d be really happy”, Oz said “I would have shared this earlier, why didn’t you blast this out?”
And Trump took questions from the studio audience. Critics say Trump paints an overly bleak picture of life in urban African-American communities, where crime has fallen and the life expectancy has risen in recent decades.
Oz said he’s invited both Trump and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who was sidelined for much of this week following a diagnosis of pneumonia, onto his program, and only Trump agreed to come on.
“We made the decision that we made in my campaign, there were obviously some circumstances that argued for it because of my injuries in Vietnam”, McCain, a former prisoner of war, told McClatchy Tuesday.
Bill Clinton’s effort to help his recuperating wife Wednesday may have instead caused her another political headache when he said Hillary Clinton was suffering from the flu, not pneumonia, as her campaign has said. Trump, who is 6 foot 3 inches tall, weighs 107 kilograms, and his liver and thyroid functions are “all within the normal range”, the report said.
During a visit with MSNBC’s Morning Joe Thursday, the Missouri lawmaker ripped into the charades of transparency perpetuated by both Dr. Oz and Donald Trump.
Clinton this week took several days off the campaign trail to recuperate from a bout with pneumonia, after she almost collapsed on Sunday at a memorial ceremony for the September 11, 2001, attacks.
In a letter dated September 13, his doctor reveals previously undisclosed details about the presidential candidate’s health.
She went on to day “I know he likes to play golf, but he hasn’t had time to play a lot of golf, being on the presidential run and the campaign trail”.