Trump, Clinton virtually tied in N.C., latest Elon poll shows
Both campaigns have made several stops in North Carolina, and Trump has rallied twice in Fayetteville since March.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are deadlocked in North Carolina, according to a new poll released Tuesday.
Among likely voters, six percent support Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson.
Weathering a recent slump in her nationwide polls, Hillary Clinton Tuesday maintained a massive lead in NY.
Most Florida voters (75 percent) said they have heard about Trump’s recent admission that Barack Obama was born in the USA but doubt the GOP nominee’s sincerity.
In the same poll last week, Clinton led Trump 48 to 44 percent.
Respondents also said they trusted Clinton more than Trump (49 percent to 36 percent) to handle public health issues, like the Zika virus.
Voters broke almost evenly about which candidate would be better with economic issues and gave former Secretary of State Clinton the nod on handing foreign policy.
But Greenberg says an overwhelming amount of historically Democratic-leaning voters, plus a generally unfavorable view of Donald Trump, combine to put him so far behind Clinton in his home state.
Siena’s July poll had Clinton ahead in the suburbs. Just 39 percent think Trump will win. “However, a win here would make the path to 270 electoral votes that much easier for the victor and hard for the loser”.
Clearly, suburban voters harbor big reservations about Clinton but aren’t willing to vote for Trump, at least not yet. “In comparison, about one out of every 10 likely voters wouldn’t support (President Barack) Obama or Republican challenger Mitt Romney at a similar point in the 2012 presidential campaign”.
But in a more traditional weekly tracking poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times, Trump has closed that gap to 4.6 per cent, shrinking it from 13 points a week ago.