Trump mocks Clinton’s health at rally
Trump made the comments Saturday night during a rally in Manheim, Pennsylvania.
Keep it up, Donnie, and Machado will have her own reality show before you get yours back. “Why should she be?”
Trump told the Times he’s thinking about bringing up former President Bill Clinton’s marital infidelities and alleging that Hillary Clinton played a role in attacking the women who went public about them. Friends and foes agree he is at his best in those scripted moments.
Trump’s Twitter account appeared to have been silent in the early-morning hours on Saturday.
In his tweets, the Republican presidential nominee called Machado “disgusting” and a “con” and raised questions about her past, alleging she had been in a sex tape. Her very timing served to remind her audience of Trump’s online tirade.
Clinton was right about a few things during the debate, and perhaps incorrect about a few others – but one thing is definitely certain: Alicia Machado is a US citizen and will be voting in November – just not for her former boss.
“He’s not going to change”. “It’s ridiculous to even argue this, but if he could stay on message, which is to say if he could be somebody else, he could win”.
And Clinton said they showed anew why someone with Trump’s temperament “should not be anywhere near the nuclear codes”.
More baffling than the fact of the political twist we’ll naturally call “weightgate” is the breathless, hand-over-mouth reaction, primarily, it must be said, among the media and the Clinton campaign – not that Trump hasn’t participated in giving this story rather good legs.
“There’s been a lot of talk about sex tapes today and in a odd turn of events only one adult film has emerged today, and its star is Donald Trump”, said Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill.
“There’s no allegation – even form The New York Times – that he’s not complying with the tax laws”, Kingston said.
At the same time, the New York Times reported it had obtained records showing Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a deduction so large that it may have allowed him to avoid paying any federal income taxes for years. “And they don’t see much of a future”. He mocked her the other night for being ill when she had pneumonia’. But he added, “I work for you now”. I want to make America great again.
The unexpected weekend revelation punctuated a week of missteps and aggressive personal attacks from the Republican presidential contender, with early voting already underway in some states and Election Day quickly approaching.
U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tells supporters in MI that it was “difficult” to debate his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton because of his faulty microphone. “What do you think he thinks he has to gain by revisiting a topic that a lot of people have obviously been turned off by?” But he does not think that he needs to prepare more rigorously, blaming audio issues Monday with distracting him.
“Just to make stuff up?”