Most routes to 270 blocked for Trump, needs last-ditch surge
Clinton would invest in training and support, including better pay. But there’s nothing to be done about that now – and no reason to believe it will change the fundamental shape of the race, which has been remarkably consistent.
Donald Trump is spending his last 10 days on the campaign trail traipsing into blue terrain.
But her campaign was fending off other political problems as well, still trying dismiss the revelations in thousands of messages stolen from the private account of a top Clinton aide, part of a hack the Democratic campaign has blamed on the Russians. Comey’s intervention should have eliminated that possibility.
The Republican candidate made his seventh visit to Phoenix with renewed momentum from the reaction to the latest email scandal to befall Hillary Clinton. Earlier this month, CNN’s Jim Acosta described being attacked with a rally sign by an supporter of Trump, while others disrupted a live broadcast.
To state the obvious, this is not a normal election. About 100,000 Democrats have switched their party identification to Republican, according the Pennsylvania Department of State, outnumbering the almost 40,000 Republicans who became Democrats.
In the end, no matter who wins, the next president will be one of the most unpopular ever.
The news hadn’t quite sunk in with the crowd, most of whom were standing in line as the news came out.
Want to chart your own path along the Road to 270?
More thank half of likely voters, 60 percent, expect Clinton will become the next president. Our political leaders will have the task of finding some way to knit the nation back together.
TRUMP: He has said he would “immediately terminate” the executive orders, which he said gave amnesty to 5 million immigrants.
The state party said that absent court intervention, voters would be subjected to “intimidation, threats, and perhaps even force at the hands of vigilante “poll watchers” and “ballot integrity” volunteers on Election Day”.
Trump said of Clinton, “We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office”.
Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight current gives Hillary Clinton an 81.1 percent chance of winning the USA presidency, down slightly from the 82.0 percent observed on Friday, before the Clinton-Weiner email news broke, as reported by the Inquisitr.
Fortunately, most voters seem to understand.
Hillary Clinton took the case for her presidential candidacy, and the case against Donald Trump’s, directly to Iowa women at a rally in Cedar Rapids on Friday.
“The markets have factored in a Clinton win so the new Federal Bureau of Investigation probe queers the pitch, creates political uncertainty over the next couple of weeks”, said hedge fund manager Andrew Grant who works in Stewart Partners.
While North Dakota – reliably Republican – has no advance registration requirement, swing state North Carolina passed its registration deadline two weeks ago.
CLINTON: She has not directly answered whether she supports sanctuary cities, but her campaign has said that “Hillary trusts our local police to make sound decisions about protecting their communities”. The unfortunate outcome of Comey’s announcement may be to make this less likely. Trump called it “bigger than Watergate”.
Clinton will dispatch former President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to battleground states – leveraging her advantage over Trump, who lacks such high profile surrogates.
The complaints – filed Sunday by state Democratic parties in Nevada, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Arizona – came nine days before the presidential election and allege a “coordinated campaign of vigilante voter intimidation” that violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the Klu Klux Klan Act of 1871, which bans private conspiracies to intimidate or threaten voters.
Poll watchers in Florida are allowed to challenge the identity or right of a person to vote in the county in question so long as they explain their reasons for doing so under oath, and file the challenge with the clerk of the local election board.