Boxer to introduce bill to end Electoral College
But there is one piece of the post-election conventional wisdom that is importantly right, yet in ways more complicated than we progressives might wish. The Green Party are campaigning for ranked voting and hand-counted paper ballots among other measures to bring up the standard of American elections. Protests flared in cities and college towns across the United States, with fed-up demonstrators chanting that Trump isn’t their president. The two men had had harsh words for each other during the campaign, but on this day, they set their differences aside, with President Obama assuring Trump that he would do everything to help him succeed.
Northumberland, Schuylkill, Lackawana, and Luzerne counties saw a drastic change in their vote totals from 2012 to 2016. Plagued by Obama’s empty promise of “change” and “hope”, the working class needed something new. Without these voters in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina that coalition would have fallen apart, and Obama could not have made it to the White House.
A combination of factors could have led these Obama supporters not to vote. Why would lawmakers in such states vote to reduce their own power? And by 2016, Republicans had figured this out, and Democrats had not. In just the last week, they say that 50,000 letters have been written. “On the other hand, changing it is hard”. Anecdotal evidence from the Detroit area suggests her get out the vote efforts were lacking. Not only this, but they colluded with the Democratic National Committee and the media in order to intentionally suppress the campaign of her opponent. According to a Pew Research study, the US trails most developed countries in terms of turnout, landing 31st among the 35 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, most of whose members are highly developed, democratic states.
Trump won the presidency by securing at least 290 electoral votes while Hillary Clinton recieved 228, with two states still left to call, according to NBC News. Americans failed to predict a Trump victory simply because the majority of the population did not take his campaign seriously. Under the plan, states would use their constitutional “plenary power” to award their electoral votes to the victor of the popular vote once there’s support among enough states to make it work.
That means his top priority must be reconciliation -î reminding Americans that we agree much more often than we are divided. He was not the ideal candidate for the Presidency – but Hillary Clinton wasn’t either. The plan now represents 165 Electoral College votes, meaning it needs states totaling 105 more votes to sign on in order to become the de facto means of electing a president. Yes, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had an impact.
Incidents have not exclusively been done by Donald Trump supporters. In Alabama Trump garnered 63% of the votes resulting to 5 seats, in Alaska he took the 3 electoral votes, Arizona was hotly contested and he managed 4 out of the 11 seats they hold.
During the interview, Trump also indicated that he would keep certain provisions of the Obamacare, which would benefit the people of the country including coverage of people with pre-conditions and extended coverage of children living with parents. It will guarantee our failure.
Cook Political Report on Wednesday said Clinton had 62,403,469 votes compared to Trump’s 61,242,652 votes. This election gives you the opportunity to prove yourself a statesman. Perhaps the pill might have been more easily swallowed had it not caught the country by such surprise – which was so accurately depicted in a Saturday Night Live sketch over the weekend – as pollsters and pundits had Clinton as the clear victor prior to Election Day. An East Texas elector tells us that switch, is just not that easy.
No more Wall Street lobbyists, no more unnecessary foreign wars, no more super PACs, no more name-calling. We might get President Romney after all.