Petition Urges Electoral College To Vote For Clinton
The president-elect’s biggest support base was the broad middle of the country, from the Heartland through the Rust Belt, with voters in states that had long supported Democrats choosing Trump after he promised to end corruption in Washington D.C., bring back jobs and renegotiate worldwide trade deals.
We’re a little bit of a mess, in case you haven’t noticed. In the first place, history of USA politics reveals to us that after one party holds the presidency for two terms and sometimes just one term, the voting public votes a change of parties. As leader of the global superpower he will hold one of the most prestigious and prominent political positions in the world. There was not even a pretense on the part of most of the media they were reporting news, but rather trying to influence opinion. Trump is not my favorite candidate. The US election of 2016 presents a drastic slide for the establishment that was earlier summed up and sealed with the name of Hilary Clinton. The lesser of two evils. Trump, on the other hand, over-performed Romney in 75 of the state’s 83 counties. It has, even though there can be plenty of personal antipathy between the person leaving the Oval Office and the person coming in. Now much or most of Barack Obama’s legacy can be swept away with the stroke of President Donald Trump’s pen.
As a society, we have always accepted the outcome of our democratic system. “I do respect the system”.
“You’ve got to make a decision which side you are on”, Mr. Sanders went on.
Following this past election, raw emotions are a very real thing. Petition supporters say Clinton won the popular vote and should be president.
Donald Trump is going to be our president. This doesn’t mean that our system doesn’t work, or that your vote doesn’t count.
My love of newspapers never flags, but nothing is more frustrating to me than a story that is incomplete.
Throughout much of the press conference, it sounded like Obama was trying to reassure many anxious Americans and leaders overseas about an incoming President Trump.
For example, in 2016, 26 percent of Arizona voters were millennials, on Tuesday, voters between the ages of 18 to 29 were just 14 percent of the state’s electorate.
However, in the end leading third-party candidates underperformed – Johnson received only three percent of the national popular vote and Green Party candidate Jill Stein earned only one percent. Whether they have the fortitude to cast faithless votes en masse is unlikely. After all, less than 122 million people voted. So there aren’t any excuses. It hurts to write that reality down, but it is a reality we will all have to grapple with for four years.
“One of the biggest problems that polls face nowadays is that people don’t want to participate in them at all”, said Patrick Murray, director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute. Absolutely. He and I differ on a whole bunch of issues”, Obama said, adding that there are “certain elements of his temperament that will not serve him well, unless he recognizes them and corrects.
Democrat or Republican, your vote landed us these two candidates.
Our country is strong.
What happened in USA politics that brought us to the election of Mr. Trump to the presidency?
“It’s a awful system”, says George C. Edwards III, a Texas A&M professor who’s written a book on the subject.
That being said, it’s also important that you stand up for yourself in times like this.
But don’t preemptively check out. “He couldn’t have been more gracious”, the president-elect said.
Many of us are so consumed by our personal agendas that we fail to understand the historical resonance at the heart of this exchange. “We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead”.
Many protesters are angry with the President-elect for offensive comments that he has made about women, as well as his stance on abortion rights.
Because a state like California is so predictably Democratic – just as a state like Kansas is so predictably Republican – the fight mostly comes down to a handful of so-called battleground states that can swing either way and decide the outcome.
But like Jackson, who transformed American politics by harnessing the resentments of those outside the political mainstream, Trump has redrawn the contours of politics.