Vulnerable countries pledge to go all-renewables, with help
Last night almost 200 nations agreed to work out rules for the landmark 2015 deal to tackle climate change within two years.
“Most importantly, negotiators agreed to finalise the rules of the Paris Agreement by 2018 and developed a clear roadmap to meet that deadline”. In the USA, current market trends show coal is steadily losing ground to cleaner, cheaper energy alternatives, including renewables, energy efficiency and natural gas. We will continue to take bold action to achieve the targets set in the Paris agreement.
“And the United Kingdom joining the Paris Agreement is a welcome signal”.
He said if Trump dismantles Obama policies such as the Climate Action Plan and Clean Power Plan, then US emissions would stay at current levels instead of decrease.
In Marrakech, delegates from China to Brazil expressed hope that Trump didn’t mean what he said during his campaign.
Indeed, this year, we have seen extraordinary momentum on climate change worldwide, and in many multilateral fora.
“There is no escaping when it comes to climate change, so we have to look into resources anyway”.
“Our climate is warming at an alarming and unprecedented rate and we have an urgent duty to respond”.
The lower threshold was introduced on demand from vulnerable countries such as low-lying island nations who fear they will be washed away by rising seas as global warming melts glaciers and ice sheets. Faced with the magnitude of what is required for dealing with the impacts of climate change, turning billions into trillions is indispensable.
Almost 200 countries reiterated global climate action across a broad range of areas at the 2016 United Nations climate Change conference as they fast-tracked the political and practical aims of the historic Paris Climate Change Agreement, the UFCCC said on Saturday.
Secretary of State John Kerry promised this week that he would defend the Paris Agreement. The pace has quickened this week with the arrival of Heads of Government, Ministers and Senior Officials.
Unfortunately, Donald Trump does not believe that global warming is a real problem which has started revealing its awful effects upon ecosystems, affecting the whole planet.
He was speaking as global climate talks in Marrakech came to an end. It is in the interest of all countries, including the United States, to build on this momentum, despite the changing political landscape.
On the scheduled last day of talks, 48 countries that are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change pledged to switch their energy production as quickly as possible to renewable sources. Pacific countries have established some of the world’s largest marine protected areas to safeguard our planet. Even 48 percent of Republicans said they were less likely to vote for someone who referred to human-caused climate change as a hoax. World leaders must intervene and now.
The almost 200 nations attending the COP22 summit adopted the Marrakech Action Proclamation late on Thursday evening, sending out a strong signal to the world on climate action.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a stirring appeal on November 16 to all countries – including his own – to press ahead with the fight against climate change, saying a failure to do so would be a “betrayal of devastating consequences”. To view the entire series, visit here.