Majority Think Donald Trump Will Do A Good Job As President
Anyone defending the Electoral College should be able to look an Illinoisan, Californian or Texan in the eye and say, “I think that your vote should count less”.
She said Trump said he was “never a fan of the electoral college”.
These days, the Electoral College is mostly a formality.
In an interview with The New York Times on Tuesday, Trump said that he has an “open mind” about pulling out of world climate accords and admitted global warming may be in some way linked to human activity.
Those three states had gone Democratic in past elections. From outsider candidates shaking up both parties to outrageous scandals cropping up every few months – particularly in the Trump campaign – it’s been one for the textbooks.
The conclusion of the race has made for some head scratching ironies. In the Electoral College, white votes matter more.
For 2016 multiplying the percentage of votes each candidate received {in each state} times the number of electoral votes {in each state} results in the following: Clinton 256.985 and Trump 253.482. In 2000 Al Gore – like Hillary Clinton – won a popular majority but lost the election after the Supreme Court prevented a recount of all ballots in Florida.
Republican President-elect Donald Trump defeated Clinton in terms of the electoral vote on November 8, although the former secretary of state handily won the popular vote, but his margin of victory was very narrow in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, while in MI the magnate had a greater percentage advantage, but that state still has not determined whether he or Clinton won there.
Mr Trump won 290 electoral college votes and is expected to win Michigan’s 16 votes that are yet to be announced.
There have been no faithless electors since 2004, and not since 1912 has more than one elector gone rogue (the high total that year was due to the death of a vice presidential candidate).
Most important, amending the Constitution requires near unanimity in Congress and among the states.
The election results 2016 controversy makes it clear that the founders underestimated the general population’s ability to discern the suitability of candidates for the White House.
Although it is unclear what the involvement of Dr. Barbara Simons is in the latest initiative, she has pointed out the significance of auditing the election ballots.
“We were so off message that a billionaire with gold-plated toilets was the guy who was breaking through and talking to blue-collar families”, said Betras, party chairman in Ohio’s heavily Democratic Mahoning County, where Trump captured 47 percent of the vote, 12 percentage points better than Republican Mitt Romney in 2012.
How does the Electoral College work? The Electoral College is benefiting them right now.
The Obama administration has said it stands behind United States presidential election results as they “accurately reflect the will of the American people” and believes the polls were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective.