Electoral College Petition Now Largest In Change.org History
And 71 of those people changed their votes because the original winning candidate died before Electoral College votes could be cast. It’s important for all of us to understand why the Electoral College was established and why certain individuals want nothing more than to eliminate it. According to FactCheck, electors of the Electoral College have previously opted not to vote for the candidate they’re pledged to, but this has never affected the final outcome of an entire presidential election. Americans have the right to assemble peacefully; we do not have the right to harm others or property just because we disagree.
“The Electoral College is an antiquated system that was established to prevent citizens from directly electing our nation’s president, yet that notion is antithetical to our understanding of democracy”, Cohen said. The Electoral College was born.
US electors will meet on December 19 to certify the results of the Electoral College.
We need the electoral system. The group is encouraging Republican electors to vote for another Republican in the electoral college later this month. The answer is simple. Although Clinton was the apparent nominee by then, he was a supporter of Bernie Sanders and is willing to cast a vote for someone other than Clinton if the Hamilton Electors plan comes together. A voter is more apt to believe their vote counted when a percentage of popular votes is taken into account rather than the “all or nothing” system now in existence.
“The great majority of people that were chosen as electors are party faithful, party loyalists and I wouldn’t flip my vote anyways”, she said. But even if he could change his vote, it would still be against the law to do so in his state, Banerian said.
Mr Trump is the fifth president to lose the popular vote in USA history.
When George W. Bush won the Electoral College in 2004 while Al Gore won the popular vote, support for a constitutional amendment hovered around 60 percent, the poll explained. Many of them are longtime Republican activists, and there’s no reason to think that any significant portion of them oppose Trump strongly enough to buck their own party and become faithless electors.