New Poll Shows 76 Percent Of Americans Want Obamacare GONE
Republican leaders have also said they don’t plan to take coverage away from the around 20 million people who have gained health insurance through the ACA, the Post reported, but how they will do that remains to be seen.
Trump, who has been very vocal about repealing the Affordable Care Act, has many Americas anxious about their health care future. “My concern is what specific plan is place”.
Rep. Doug La Malfa has in the past and is now voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Mr. Trump only said, “I won’t tell you how, but we will get approval”. “The people of Wyoming deserve healthcare that puts patients and their families in the driver’s seat”.
There wasn’t any mention of “Obamacare” or “Affordable Care Act” in Trump’s inaugural address – or anywhere on his website.
The steady drumbeat of “repeal and replace” has given way to repeal and, well, hope something else comes along.
“I’m now on Gilenya with a co-pay of $38 a month”, she said. Whether it is Trump or his new colleagues Paul Ryan and Tom Price, health care will indeed make its way back into the limelight, both online and on the Hill.
Now that Republicans are about to repeal it, many Americans have a positive view of the Affordable Care Act for the first time the idea was first proposed in 2010. The legislation requires health insurance companies to provide free contraceptive coverage for all its members, and at least one type of FDA-approved birth control has to be free, including the morning-after pill. “Should people, because they are Americans, be able to go to the doctor when they need to?” “So in my view one of the most effective way to do that is to force insurance companies to compete”.
The loss of federal health-care dollars flowing into Pennsylvania will have huge impacts outside the health-care industry, Stier said, since cuts in services and job losses will send shock waves through the entire state economy.
Cheney also favors tort reform, she said. Which, as anyone who knows anything about this subject at all knows, Obamacare is just a nickname for the Affordable Care Act.