Donald Trump Signs First Executive Order To ‘Ease The Burden Of Obamacare’
“You’ve got to do something to stand up for what’s right, and if you just sit back and idly just let the president-elect do whatever he wants, then we’re all going to be hurt eventually”.
Conway also reiterated Trump’s promise that “everybody” will have insurance coverage under his Obamacare alternative.
Enacted in 2010, Obamacare aims to extends health insurance to the estimated 15 per cent of the United States population without coverage. That language appears to be aimed squarely at undoing the law’s unpopular requirement that individuals carry health insurance or face fines – a key provision of the measure former President Barack Obama signed in 2010. I have heard many stories related to this “Affordable Health Care Act” that, in my opinion, are anything but.
Trump has promised his healthcare plan would cover more people, provide more coverage and be cheaper than what the ACA provided. The 2014 Medicaid expansion in Pennsylvania allowed for 670,000 people to gain coverage by January 2017.
The measure also directs agencies to stop issuing regulations that would expand the health care law’s reach.
Conway mentioned two features of Trump’s Obamacare replacement. Since the rate of overall inflation is typically lower than inflation in the health care sector that leads to an erosion of spending over time.
We keep hearing the word “affordable” as it is used to define the so-called Affordable Health Care Act, aka Obamacare.
It also called for efforts to give states greater flexibility in implementing healthcare programs while developing “a free and open market in interstate commerce for the offering of healthcare services and health insurance”.
Presidents can’t use executive orders to end laws unilaterally, so it’s unlikely that Trump’s order would entirely end the Obamacare mandates, according to Timothy Jost, a professor with expertise in health law at Washington and Lee University School of Law and a contributor to Bloomberg View.
Obamacare is a programme to provide health insurance cover to those Americans, who do not receive medical insurance from their employers or not covered under the free healthcare schemes of the USA government.
Under his plans, Americans will be able to shop around for the best prices as healthcare providers, doctors and hospitals are forced to be fully transparent with prices.