Sean Spicer on AHCA Criticism: ‘We’re Not Jamming This Down People’s Throats’
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer warned WikiLeaks that their publication of information surveillance techniques stolen from the Central Intelligence Agency “undermines our nation’s security”.
“I have no reason to believe he doesn’t” support Comey, Spicer told reporters.
The unusual question came up at the White House daily press briefing, days after Trump blasted out a series of tweets saying President Obama had tapped his phones and demanding an investigation.
This story has not been edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by auto-feed. And I think Sen. In a tweet, the president has also called Obama a “bad (or sick) guy”.
“We have to do this right so we don’t look back and regret the way it was done”, Spicer said.
“Nashville is a warm and welcoming city for all, and that certainly includes President Trump and his supporters who will be attending this event”, she said in a statement.
“I think he is very concerned about the allegations that are out there in terms of what may or may not happen”, Spicer said. In other times, he was doing the monitoring.
“I get that that’s a cute question to ask”. Organizers said the protests were created to highlight “the economic power and significance that women have” and raise awareness of “the economic injustices women and gender-nonconforming people continue to face”.
But to the former executives, Trump’s recent accusations felt familiar. At Wednesday’s White House briefing, Spicer declined to confirm or deny the authenticity of the documents.
White House – Nearly 100 people, mainly fifth grade students were among the first visitors at the White House since President Trump took office in January.
While on the campaign season, President Trump announced his “love” for WikiLeaks. I think that is a fairly focused effort.