ACA debate stirs concerns among poor
On Sunday, senior Trump administration officials attacked the CBO’s credibility and downplayed the upcoming report. It’s not next year.
“We told them we were going to replace it with something that would bring down the cost of insurance”. House Speaker Paul Ryan wrote an opinion piece for USA Today pushing the GOP leadership plan.
Meanwhile, Tom Cotton, the Republican from Arkansas, on ABC’s “This Week”, expressed his concerns about the bill.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, in an interview with Face the Nation host John Dickerson, said he couldn’t answer the question of how many people will lose coverage under the GOP’s new healthcare plan – because that’s not the point.
Republicans have promised time and again to repeal Obamacare-not fix it, not try to make it better-they promised to repeal it. “People are going to do what they want to do with their lives”, he intoned, “because we believe in individual freedom in this country”.
Paul said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that Ryan was being misleading in presenting supporters of the bill, which is backed by President Donald Trump, as being inflexible when, in fact, Trump has signaled he is open to negotiations on the legislation. “Either the president quite deliberately, for some reason, made up this charge, or perhaps, more disturbing, the president really believes this”, said California Representative Adam Schiff. Supporters say they expect a vote on the house floor by the end of the month.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has not yet released any information about how the GOP bill would affect Michigan, saying the details are still under review.
Getting all 52 Republicans on board isn’t guaranteed, either.
The media, the Resistance, and Democrats need to make clear that block granting Medicaid will pose a dire choice: Kick grandma out of her nursing home or kick poor and near-poor people off of health care.
Finally, a couple of Senate maniacs got in on the fun. Sen. “I know that the federal government doesn’t know what that 60-year-old wants”, said Price. “It would never get out of there because you can never get 60 votes”. That bill was vetoed by President Barack Obama after successfully passing through both the House and the Senate.
Because they’re hoping to use the budget reconciliation process to pass the bill, which requires that every provision have a direct impact on the federal budget, the Republicans’ plan does not address numerous point-of-service concerns doctors have expressed about the ACA, such as burdensome documentation requirements for insurance reimbursement. “Refundable” means that even citizens who don’t have enough income to pay taxes can get a check for the tax credit amount.
If it happens, and if millions of voters are kicked off the health-care rolls soon, will the midterm congressional elections in 2018 become a bloodbath for House Republicans? That wasn’t popular, and it’s the number one item Republicans say they want to repeal. We ran on that replacement plan, ‘ he added. “Medicaid is not really for this objective”, he said.
If these two systems were regulated, we would save millions of dollars. If Republicans replace Obamacare with a turkey, they’ll be in exactly that position.