Mick Mulvaney: Trump Budget Leaves ‘More than Enough’ for State Department
Nineteen percent of the current workforce, or 3,200 agency employees, would be fired.
Weeks earlier, insiders at the EPA said they expected a 25 percent cut.
The Berkeley Unified School District now has two after school programs – Berkeley BEARS and Berkeley LEARNS – which service almost half of the students in the district, according to Aaron Jorgensen, the district’s extended learning program supervisor.
“We consider that to be a waste of your money to go out and do that”.
“The plan also would fold into NIH the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a free-standing agency within HHS devoted to fostering research evidence to improve health care’s quality, safety and accessibility”.
Grant programs that help states with clean air and water, toxic substances and pesticides would be cut by 40 percent. Where is that money going?
Pruitt, of course, may not agree with Trump’s proposed reductions. He did not discuss specifics, but said Trump would achieve improvements to cities through other initiatives such as promoting school choice.
The only saving grace: the budget plan presented by Trump Thursday as well as the Republican’s health care replacement plan are not likely to survive intact.
Amid the resulting political backlash to the assault on popular programs, the overworked staffer who linked to the Washington Post story with a flattering headline could be forgiven for assuming it provided positive spin on the controversial spending plan. We’ve heard a lot of criticism, for example, about different line items in the – in the budget blueprint from members of Congress. The only thing that does is Trump finding a way to justify the largest budget-cuts since the Second World War, as well as building his “wall” between Mexico and the US. “So you have an “America First” candidate, you have an “America First” budget”.
Mulvaney Wednesday that “core functions of the EPA can be satisfied with this budget”, but agency advocates disagree.
If Donald Trump succeeds in his bid to shrink the federal budget and the overall size of government, he will become the first president to do so in a long time. According to Pew Research, older voters preferred Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election and it appears that this cut will hit them the most.
Other targets include funding for neighbourhood development and a home-buying programme through which low-income individuals help build their own homes. It also said it would speed up drug and other product approval. The Office of Research and Development monitors water quality and harmful algal blooms in lakes, researches the role of black carbon on climate change, and assesses the risk to public health from asbestos. Gateway Pundit has a report showing that the debt has fallen by that amount in the two months since Trump has taken office.
“The U.S. EPA is already on a starvation diet, with a bare-bones budget and staffing level”.
The most widely reported point about the overall thrust of the budget is its ploughshares-to-swords theme: President Trump proposes to raise defense spending by $54 billion and, to maintain revenue neutrality, cuts nondefense discretionary (NDD) spending to make up the difference.