West Nile discovered in South Knoxville, area will be sprayed for mosquitoes
City officials said they were informed Tuesday that samples from the northeastern and southeastern quadrants of the city tested positive for West Nile Virus. State officials said more mosquitoes in West Haven have tested positive.
This was the third time West Nile has been found in the Ford County seat in the past four years.
We also know from the Lake County Health Department that two county residents have died from West Nile virus out of 56 people infected since 2002.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Seventy to 80 percent of those who become infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms”.
Seven new cases of West Nile have been diagnosed in the Magnolia State.
For more information on West Nile virus, log on to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s website. Early symptoms of these diseases include fever, headache, stiff neck and muscle weakness. While humans may also be infected by WNV, the virus does not pass directly between people and horses. Infection can lead to death in 3 – 15% of persons with severe forms of the illness.
At this time, details surrounding the case are limited.
Make sure window and door screens are in good fix to prevent mosquito entry.
Holes in screens and screen doors should be repaired.
· Drain or dump – Remove all standing water around your property where mosquitoes can lay eggs such as birdbaths, green swimming pools, ponds, old tires, buckets, flower pots, clogged gutters, or even puddles from leaky sprinklers. Among them are using an effective, EPA-registered insect repellent; wear long sleeves, long trousers and socks when outdoors; make sure screen doors and windows fit tightly and replace those with tears or holes; and vaccinate any horses against the virus. Apply mosquito repellent to areas of exposed skin.
Teams are assessing how widespread Aedes albopictus is in Dane County and are looking for the mosquito in other parts of the state.