Strong results for King William’s COllege IGCSE/GCSE students
Head girl Elizabeth Williams achieved an awesome two 8’s, in maths and English literature, a 7 for English Language 2 A*’s, 4 A’s and 2 B’s, whilst also carrying out her other duties across the school.
Gateway’s top seven students, pictured left to right with Head of School, Mrs Grainne McLaughlin, are; Radu, Klaudia, Molly, Konrad, Daniel, Ellie-May & Chloe.
He said: “I am pleased with my maths score, and in English literature I did a bit better than I thought”.
The subjects they can expect the new scores in are ancient languages, art and design, biology, chemistry, citizenship studies, combined science (double award), computer science, dance, drama, food preparation and nutrition, geography, history, modern foreign languages (French, German, Spanish), music. physics, physical education and religious studies.
“There isn’t a direct comparison for some of the grades but essentially a 7 is an old grade A, an 8 is an A* so a 9 is an A**”. A total of 89 students improved their GCSE grades by more than two grades, following their one year GCSE programme at the college.
Kate Fielder, whose results included a 9, an 8, a 7 and 2 A*s and As, added: “I am so incredibly overwhelmed with the results I have received today”. In fact almost half (49.2%) of our students gained the new Grade 5 or above “strong pass”.
Anna is off to study a vocal diploma at a music college in Guildford and said: “It’s now time to relax for a bit, I feel like I can breathe again”.
“It has been one of the hardest things that has happened to me so far”.
“It’s something that really interests me and I want to be able to help people”.
Mr Taunt said: “The new English and maths exams are harder than before and the new 9-point assessment reflects the push for the highest standards”.
“My parents are really happy, I just wanted to make them proud”.
“Our congratulations go to all of our students and their families”.
“At the moment, the plan is to study maths at university”.
Jack Miller, 16, was delighted with his high results, after struggling following the death of his grandfather. I was nervous when going into them but they went better than I thought when I was in there.