Christmas Tree Shortage Lasting Sign of Recession
For the past 15 years, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Churchat 124 N. Roosevelt has run a charitable Christmas tree sale that starts the Friday after Thanksgiving.
“We try to go through about 1,500 to 1,600 a year”, said Ericson. Studies have shown that young, evergreen trees are some of the most effective trees at releasing oxygen into the air and absorbing carbon dioxide, other gasses from the air.
According to GWDForestry, this, combined with recent droughts in North Carolina, and wildfires in OR – the two states that grow the most Christmas trees – left the USA with even fewer trees.
They are then decorated with fairy lights, as you would a normal tree, directions and of course, a star at the top.
Star Tree Farm and the Pine Patch also sell wreaths. Tree sellers are preparing for the holiday sales.
Jon is hard at work cutting down his Christmas tree at Rossview Farm last week. His tree farm is Country Christmas Trees in Wakarusa.
A local tree farm is selling a different kind of Christmas tree, one that can live on after the holidays.
“We like big, tall ones; we like fresh ones”, he said. The best Christmas tree stands are created to last for many decades, have a stable base.
“One of the coolest things about the district I have in Adams, Portage, Wood County and Waushara, I have got tons of Christmas trees in my district”, Krug said. So if you want to score a deal, your best bet is to buy a tree in mid-December during the middle of the work week.
The best part is – for each tree that is harvested, three or more are planted for harvesting in future years.
Decide which type of tree you want to buy. However, the search for just the right tree begins months before. “I just might have to end a tradition”, Elliot said. A lot of tree growers are getting out of the business and put a strain on the supply which will, of course, cost you more.