Google Play adds new audiobook features to better compete with Audible
Here are some of the key battery-centric features of the new preview which will roll out for general public sometime this year.
It’s easy to imagine how Google could build the software into a more robust design tool. Today we’re going to delve into the other five.
First up, readers will now be able to save the best bits of their audiobooks to a new bookmark section. As per SophoLabs, this malware not only pops up advertising web pages, but can also sends Android notifications that include clickable links, to lure you into generating ad revenue for the criminals. You can disable specific actions, but you can’t reorder them. Recent versions of the Google Play Books app contained strings referencing them, and Google finally launched audiobooks in the Play Store in January. “I’m gonna show just how much of your information the likes of Facebook and Google store about you without you even realising it”.
One glaring omission from Google’s audiobook offering is the ability to synchronize content between audiobooks and ebooks. You can shut down the service if you want to delete the saved topics.
People using the Google Play Books app, can now also save a favourite moment in an audiobook with the new Bookmarks functionality. Building off of this partnership, the two organizations recently made years worth of Division I basketball data available for a machine learning bracket competition. The first feature addition is Smart Resume. Getting the GSF ID is tricky but there are apps that you can use to extract the info. The pace can be set via the new controls to listen to three times the speed or as slow as 0.5 times the default. Called “routines”, it essentially lets you pre-configure multiple actions under a single voice command. The same goes to all your Google Apps for instance, it has all your YouTube history; every video you’ve watched, whether you liked it or not, all your search entries. Apple’s HomePod has no idea who is actually talking to it, and while Alexa can identify multiple users, everybody shares the same list of routines.
If you get the error “This Device Is Not Certified By Google” and you do the following and find that it isn’t certified, your options are limited. Google said it is weighing its options.