Four ways to get healthy in body and soul
Are you living life in the fast-lane? Partying most weekends and spending all your cash every month? Having fun is important to be happy in life, but if you’re overdoing it certain aspects of your daily and weekly routines, you could be harming yourself, and that isn’t good for your body and soul. If, for example, you’re drinking lots of alcohol or eating lots of fast foods, you may be piling on weight and losing a sense of focus. And then that, in turn, can have an impact on your mental health. Here are four ways to keep yourself in good all-round health.
Get the balance right
Being happy and relaxed in life is all about striking the right balance between work and play. Are you working to live, or are you living to work? Is your glass half-empty or half-full? Whichever way you want to look at, you need to make sure that you’re dedicating a fair amount of time to earning a wage, while also enjoying quality time with your family and friends.
That’s easier said than done, right? Particularly, if you have a very demanding job. If you are burning the candle at both ends of the day with your work, then take a step back and consider whether you’re making the most effective use of your professional time. Could you streamline things more? Could you delegate more of your duties to other co-workers? If you feel like you’re under a constant avalanche, then maybe it’s time to speak to your boss about trying to dig some of the snow away.
Having quality time with your nearest and dearest can bring all sorts of feel-good vibes. It doesn’t mean that you have to be out spending money all the time on vacations and expensive activities. It could just be going for a quick walk in the local park or having a nice lunch together. You’ll be surprised what a difference these simple pleasures can make in your life.
Eat and drink well
When we talk about eating and drinking well, that doesn’t mean eating lots of food and drinking lots of alcohol! It means also striking a balance with your diet. If you’re the kind of person who grabs a coffee and donut on the way to work every day and eats a fast-food dinner in the evening, then you’re setting yourself up for a fall. You need to be taking a much healthier approach to what you’re consuming.
That may sound like a boring proposition, but you’ll be thankful in the long-run that you’ve made the effort. So, why not make a change now? Get yourself a meal planner together each week, setting out what you’re going to prepare for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day, and then get the ingredients in from your grocery store.
You’ll probably find that by doing this, you’ll save some money on your normal food expenses, as you won’t be paying a premium for quick fixes. Plus, if you prepare meals in bulk, you can cut down on wastage and make your life a little easier on the busy days.
If you’re stuck for inspiration about healthy choices, then have a look online at blogs and specialist websites for some ideas. There are plenty out there, why not give some a try.
As well as your food intake, what you drink is also important in terms of keeping your body and soul in good shape. Many doctors will tell you that alcohol is fine but in moderation. You should not be overdoing it in a bar every night, but a glass of wine or beer here and there should be ok to help you let your hair down. Speak to a medical specialist if you’re starting to develop any symptoms of ill health, or if you have any pre-existing conditions like high blood pressure, to see what the suitable level of alcohol intake is for your circumstances.
Ease the stress
Stress can come from a vast variety of sources, ranging from problems within your family to issues at work. If you’re having particular issues right now, then try not to suffer in silence. A problem shared is a problem halved, as they say. So, talk about what’s troubling you and try to find a solution sooner rather than later.
One thing that can get you tense, for example, is your personal finances. Maybe you have spent too much, you’ve lost your job recently, or you have had a mountain of bills that you can’t pay. By working through them, talking to those affected and setting yourself a monthly budget, then you might be able to dig yourself out faster than you think and look forward to a brighter financial future. Check out Bonsai Finance for some tips on how to build your credit rating.
Get in shape
As well as getting your diet and finances in shape, you may also need to get your body in shape too. Yes, this comes from adapting what you eat, but you should also be getting lots of regular exercise, as often as you can.
So, if you haven’t stepped inside the gym for a long time, then maybe now is the time to dust off those sports clothes and get them back on! Gyms aren’t for everyone, but you can spice it up by joining some classes or plug some of your favorite music into your ears.
Try not to get tied into long gym contracts though, which is difficult to escape from. See if you can find a monthly pass to keep things flexible.
If going to the gym doesn’t do it for you, then have a think about how you can get more exercise into your life on a more general basis. Do you do much walking right now, for example? Why not organize some walking trips with friends and family at the weekend? Or maybe you could walk to or from work every now and then? You could always hop on your bicycle too! Whichever you choose, as long as you’re getting moving, you’re on the right track.