Trump has a new answering machine message
The release of Donald Trump’s cell phone number is already garnering the same response, getting nationwide coverage along with a healthy dose of criticism for Gawker.
Yesterday, in a surprising (?) show of solidarity with Lindsey Graham, Gawker’s Sam Biddle* gave out what he purported to be Trump’s private number. They gave it out.
The reality television star’s rapid rise has surprised many Republican officials, some of whom fear his rhetoric on immigration and other divisive issues could hurt the party. “With your help and support, together we can make America truly great again!”
An attorney for Republican presidential contender Donald Trump apologized on Tuesday for making the incorrect assertion that “by the very definition, you can’t rape your spouse”. The new voicemail for the business mogul is a campaign message plugging his Twitter and campaign website.
In the face of more than a month of withering scorn and hate from the media, Trump has been everywhere hitting back, taking on all comers, ducking nobody, and turning Gawker into Wile E. Coyote. “This is not one he uses”, said Trump campaign spokesman Corey Lewandowski.
And he said the special relationship with Britain “would get better”, adding: “My mother was born in Scotland”. ‘Call me on my cellphone 917.756.8000 and listen to my campaign message.’. Graham, for his part, posted a video of him destroying his phone, and it had a sort of Wes Anderson aesthetic.
Regardless of what you think of Trump, he turned Gawker’s attempt to retaliate into a positive.
But ‘Donald Trump turns the number into a campaign announcement, ‘ Cohen continued, ‘that has received within the first few hours tens of thousands of calls. “In my moment of shock and anger, I made an inarticulate comment ” which I do not believe ” and which I apologize for entirely”.