Ohio Sees First West Nile Virus Death This Year
In 2014, Ohio reported 11 West Nile virus cases.
A small number of those infected can contract a serious neuroinvasive disease, a life threatening illness that can cause neck stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, paralysis and death.
More than 80 percent of people exposed to West Nile virus don’t become sick. Insect repellents also are not recommended for children younger than two months old.
Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers when outdoors for long periods of time. Eliminate or treat standing water in the yard and ensure window screens are intact.
Drill holes in the bottom of outdoor recycling containers. Turn over wheelbarrows, plastic wading pools, buckets, trash cans, children’s toys or anything that could collect water. Emergency management officials along with city staff will continue to test for infected mosquitoes in all areas of town. A swimming pool left untended by a family for a month can produce enough mosquitos to result in neighborhood-wide complaints.
“While finding mosquitoes with the virus in Westchester is to be expected, their presence should serve as a reminder to all residents to remove standing water from their property and to take personal protective measures against mosquito bites when spending time outdoors”, said Westchester County Commissioner of Health Sherlita Amler, M.D.
Last year, state health officials reported 44 human cases of West Nile Virus in Illinois, including four deaths. Mosquitoes in other parts of the world, including the Caribbean, South America, Asia, Africa and Europe, might infect you with chikungunya or dengue fever.
The City of Commerce along with assistance from Texas A&M University-Commerce has been testing mosquitoes for various diseases by trapping them and sending them to the Department of State Health Services.