Harry Styles schools fans on bad grammar
Upon seeing her sign, Harry signaled to the fan, somehow procured a marker, and fixed the grammatical error by adding an apostrophe and an “E”. You listen to him intently, and then scream your heart out.
Just days after THOSE Detroit meet and greet photos, proud LGBTQ+ supporter and all round ridiculously lovely fella Harry Styles has gone and danced around with a rainbow flag on stage in Buffalo. Taelor Ford told all of the juicy details to BBC News, and she explained how it all went down with the Brit.
“Larry” of course refers to Harry and Louis, who some 1D fans are convinced are in a secret romantic relationship…
While she admitted Styles was not seriously injured as a result, she says this is no excuse to allow the perpetrator in question to get off scott free.
“I’ve said it too many times”.
Harry Styles can’t just ignore the signs fans hold during One Direction’s concerts, especially those that are grammatically incorrect.
The poster with the words written in thick black pen, complete with Harry’s autograph, is now hanging on her bedroom wall. He also signed the it, “Thank you, love Harry”.
One Direction is now nearing the end of their On The Road Again tour, which began in January. News had reported that they are indeed taking a hiatus and looking into doing some solo projects. “Drag Me Down”, their first single from that album, was released in July, and fans were thrilled with it. More music is coming, One Directioners!